The Beginning - The need for durable waterproof gear storage in my life

Our cabin front porch with an array of rigid gear containers we use on a weekly basis.

August 18, 2023

Hi there, this is the first blog entry for FINN. Thank you for visiting! I’m super pumped you made it here. Full Disclosure: I’ve never blogged or been a super social media savvy person (my personal Instagram has 163 followers as I write this). Just want to set expectations here and make sure we’re all on the same page : ) There is no specific gameplan or strategy on the company blog, the primary purpose is to document and share all aspects on this journey on starting FINN. I am a master procrastinator and have been meaning to get this blog kicked off when I initially started the website in early April and here we are with August almost gone… So the idea/theme for the first entry, along with pictures came from our last winter trip into our cabin here in Alaska. There are no roads in - snowmachine access only and floatplanes in the summer.

Our final winter season trip into the cabin usually involves dealing with water in one way or another - trying to navigate with our sleds and keeping it off our gear so everything stays dry. I prefer a combination of soft and hard goods for bringing gear and miscellaneous things out. Like everything in life, there are pros and cons to each form. For this particular trip I really like rigid containers for snowmachining into the cabin. Your items don’t get squished when strapping them into the tow behinds, my experience is they hold up a bit better than the PVC coating found on water proof bags in colder temps which tend to crack, they stack on our deck much nicer than a pile of duffels for when we get there. I have literally tried 20 different kinds of rigid containers over the years ranging from economical to premium with some success but there’s definitely a higher rate of fails than wins. There are some good products out there however overall, I feel there’s a significant gap in the hardgoods sector and that is what got me interested in starting FINN and developing my own.

Thanks again for visiting the page, more to come, if you have any questions or comments feel free to email me via the contact page! I’d love to hear your thoughts and I’ll see what i can do about getting a comments section into the individual blog entries.

See you down the trail!



We’re on the board - We have a design!